UPDATE: The 20% off code is expired, but the original deal is still good!
Hooray, this *GREAT DEAL* is back!
LivingSocial is offering 2 Adult + 2 Imax Science Center tickets for $25 or Family Membership (for 4) for $62
But it gets even better: Use code MEMDAY TODAY 5/25 ONLY to save an additional 20% off your purchase!! This makes 2 tickets (with Imax) just $20 and Membership for 4 just $49.50!! AWESOME!!
Choose from the following offers:
• $25 ($49 value) for two single-day adult tickets and two Classic IMAX tickets
• $62 ($125 value) for one Adventurer annual family membership for four people
Limit 4 vouchers per person for daily admission • Voucher must be redeemed at the Maryland Science Center by August 31, 2015 • Limit 1 voucher per person for adventurer annual family membership for four • Each voucher is good for one four-person membership, or 2 people / depending on option purchased • Purchaser may change the name of the individual retrieving tickets up to 24 hours in advance of event via the LivingSocial website event details section; no name-changes or alternate pick-ups permitted without notice at venue • This Living Social Maryland Science Center Membership purchase cannot be retroactively applied to prior membership purchase or renewal. Current Maryland Science Center Members can use a 2015 Living Social purchase to renew their current membership for an additional twelve months of benefits. There are no refunds on renewal payments made prior to this offer • Entire value must be used in a single visit
Click Here to get this deal!
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