Amazon prices are all accurate at the time of posting. Please verify the price before purchasing ,as there is great fluctuation in their pricing, and the price you see may be higher or lower than the price posted.
Amazon has the PLAYMOBIL Ambulance with Siren Set for just $34.99 (reg $54.99) – BEST PRICE! Free Prime shipping or free shipping with $35 purchase
- Respond to local emergencies with the Ambulance with Siren
- Nothing can stop this rescue vehicle thanks to its flashing lights and siren
- Once at the scene, place the injured patient on the stretcher and load him into the ambulance bay through the back doors
- Medical personnel can enter the vehicle through the sliding side door
- Kids can access the interior of the ambulance through the removable roofs, allowing for all sorts of play scenarios
Also at its BEST PRICE – PLAYMOBIL 5627 Children’s Birthday Party Playset for just $15.39 (reg $19.99)!
PLAYMOBIL Mother with Twin Stroller Set just $6.99 (Reg $9.99) – BEST PRICE!
PLAYMOBIL Take Along School Playset just $29.39 (Reg $39.99)! BEST PRICE!
PLAYMOBIL Police Special Forces Unit just $7.69 (Reg $10.99) – BEST PRICE!
PLAYMOBIL Sunshine Preschool Set just $69.99 (reg $99.99)! BEST PRICE! Super gift for Chanukah for your Playmobil fans!
PLAYMOBIL Playgroup Play Set just $17.49 (Reg $26.99)! BEST PRICE!
PLAYMOBIL Police Car Vehicle just $19.59 (Reg $24.99) – BEST PRICE!
PLAYMOBIL Forest Fire Helicopter just $14.69 (reg $19.99)! BEST PRICE!
PLAYMOBIL Emergency Motorcycle with Light Building Kit just $9.98 (reg $14.99)! BEST PRICE!
PLAYMOBIL Children’s Train Set just $14.98 (Reg $22.99)! BEST PRICE!
PLAYMOBIL Rescue Boat with Water Hose Play Set just $41.99 (reg $52.99)! BEST PRICE!
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